
Monday, November 19, 2012

Eggless Blueberry Scone

Blueberry Scone is a popular American pastry. It tastes best when served warm. The key point in the process of making the scone is that all the ingredients must be freezing cold. Using frozen butter gives a flaky texture and a great mouth feel. I did not use sour cream in the recipe, instead used Hung Curd. Click here for home made Hung Curd recipe. This will make 8 big scones.
Blueberry Scone - IMG_0521

All-Purpose Flour – 2 cups + for dusting
Sugar – 1/2 cup + 1 table spoon
Baking Powder – 2 tea spoon
Baking Soda – ¼ tea spoon
Salt – ¾ tea spoon
Lemon Zest – 1 tea spoon
Butter (frozen) – 8 table spoons + 1 table spoon
Whole Milk – ½ cup
Sour Cream / Hung Curd – ½ cup
Blueberry – 1 ½ cups

Blueberry Scone - IMG_0513

Freeze the butter for at least 2 hours. Remove the frozen butter and grate it using a grater and it will look like Mozzarella cheese after grating. Keep the grated butter back in the freezer.
Mix 2 cups of flour, ½ cup sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and lemon zest well and keep aside
In another bowl, mix the sour cream and whole milk together well
Remove the grated butter from the freezer and add it to the dry mixture and incorporate it with the hands by pressing the flour and butter in between the fingers.
Once the butter is incorporated, add the milk mixture and fold it in.
Do not over mix, just enough to incorporate
Heavily (really heavily) flour the working surface and knead the dough about 5 to 6 times to bring together
Now roll it to a 12 inch square shape and fold it like a letter horizontally, now fold again vertically
Flour lightly a plate and transfer the dough into the plate and keep it in the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (convection mode – 395 degrees F)
Line a baking tray with parchment or aluminum foil and set aside
After 5 to 10 minutes, remove the dough from the freezer and roll it to a 12 inch square again
Put the blueberry on it and press it with hand
Roll the dough horizontally into a tight log (use a bench scrapper to help and flour more if it sticks)
Gently press the log from top to make it to a rectangle block instead of a cylinder
Using a very sharp knife cut them into 4 pieces and cut each piece diagonally
Place the scones on the baking sheet (leave space in between for expansion)
Melt 1 table spoon of butter.
Brush the scones with butter and sprinkle sugar on top
Bake them for 18 to 25 minutes until golden from all sides. Turn the tray half way through to ensure even cooking.
Once done, remove from the baking tray to a cooling rack and allow it to cool for 10 minutes and serve!!!

Blueberry Scone - IMG_0528

Sending this to my own Guest Host event - Eggless Bakes and Treats, Surabhi's page, Bake Fest #13, Vardhini's page, Let's cook - Potluck, Simple and in Season, Pari's Give me Some Snacks, Kid's special, Valli's page, Healthy Baking, Indrani's page, Christmas Food Fair, Siri’s Anniversary Event
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  1. This looks yummy Sowmya ! I am still a little confused about the rolling and folding part, will read through it again and if still in doubt, ask you :)


  2. Scones look so mouthwatering Sowmya...delicious!

  3. Prefectly made irresistible scones, loving those scones studded with loads of blueberries.

  4. New to your blog...loved your space....

  5. Scones looking wonderful with the blueberries

  6. perfect tea time scones.

  7. Eyecatching and yummy it looks!! Never tried one, have bookmarked!!


  8. I love blueberries.This will definitely be great for breakfast.Nice recipe Sowmya :)

  9. Wow Sowmya! these are yum. Can to link them to kids special?

  10. Thanks Sowmya that is very quick.

  11. Scones are delicious. I love rasberry scones. Need to try with blueberry.

    First time visiting here and happy to follow you.


  12. Delicious and healthy blueberry scones, blueberries are my favorite. I love them.

  13. I love scones and that too eggless, I've to give it a try, looks yummy. Thanks for linking it to Spotlight : healthy baking( Wish to see more yummy baking ideas from u

  14. A lovely recipe thank you for entering it into Simple and in Season the round up is now live x


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