
Friday, November 30, 2012

Eggless Molten Lava Cake

My 100th post - yay!!!!.. I wanted to share a sweet or desert for my 100th post and so happy to share this yummy and delicious molten lava cake. What is a lava cake – well it looks like a normal cake, but when cut, chocolate lava flows from inside.. yummy!!! Chocolaty!!! I have tried this once before but the lava inside was very little gooey but not overflowing. I searched a lot on the web for an eggless version of this recipe and my first one was not as as lava oozing.. When Gayathri accepted my suggestion for this month’s Eggless Baking Group challenge, I was so happy and excited. I got this recipe from Master chef 2 made a few changes and the results were awesome!!! The chocolate lava was so drool worthy and yummy!! I got 2 4” inch cakes and a small 2 inch cake out of this batter. I made in a spring form pan.

Couple of points to note are
1. Spring form pan will be very critical in this recipe as the top of the cake will little shaky in the center and to invert it to a plate could be a task.
2. The amount of chocolate that goes inside should be sufficient enough.
3. One more point to remember is that the chocolate that goes inside should be in the center only and not to the sides as the sides will not be strong when unmolded.  It should look like a normal cake, so the walls of the cake should be strong enough to hold the lava inside.
4. Grease and butter the pans well as the cake is little fragile and a well greased and floured pan plays a major role in it not breaking.

I remember some websites giving recipes that tell you to cook on a high temperature for 10 minutes or so and remove it, so the center is uncooked and that is a lava cake. I strongly feel - NO THAT IS NOT THE LAVA CAKE. That is just uncooked cake. A lava cake should be fully cooked like cake with just loads and loads of chocolate inside waiting to come out as a lava when cut..

All Purpose Flour – ½ cup + some for dusting
Butter – ¼ cup + some for greasing
Milk – ½ cup + 1 table spoon
Powdered Sugar – ¼ cup + 2 table spoons + some for decoration
Cocoa – 3 table spoons + some for decoration
Baking Powder – ½ tea spoon
Baking Soda – ½ tea spoon
Salt – A pinch
Oil – 2 table spoons
Cherry – 2 table spoons + some for decoration
Chocolate Chips – ½ cup
Curd – ¼ cup + 2 table spoons
Vanilla Extract– ½ tea spoon

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C
Grease and flour 2 4” spring form pan and set aside on a baking sheet
In a mixing bowl, sieve dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa and salt) well
In another bowl, beat together powdered sugar, butter until creamy
Add oil, vanilla, curd and beat until smooth
Add little dry ingredients and little milk and gently fold (DO NOT OVER BEAT THEN THE CAKE WILL NOT RISE)
Fold gently until all combined
Pour the batter until 1/3 rd of the pan and drop in the mixture of cherries and chocolate chips and cover them with more batter such that the pan is about ¾ full.
Do the same with the remaining batter to the other pan and gently tap the pans and place it on the baking sheet into the preheat oven
Bake for around 16 – 18 minutes. Mine took 17 minutes.
Like the normal cakes, you cannot insert a toothpick to test doneness, as the center will have the gooey chocolate in it. Your cake will be ready when the edges start to leave the sides and about ½ inch of the outer radius becomes porous and looks done.
Remove from the oven and allow it to cool for 10 minutes
Meanwhile ready the serving platter by dusting the cocoa powder over it
Run a butter knife around the edges and slowly open the spring form pan and transfer the cake with the bottom of the pan to the serving platter
Dust it with powdered sugar and decorate with the cherries
Now the fun part, cut the cake and you will see the lava flowing from it!! Enjoy the visual and the delicious treat!!

Sending this to my own Guest Host event - Eggless Bakes and Treats, Surabhi's page, Bake Fest #13, Vardhini's page, Let's cook - Potluck, Healthy Baking, Indrani's page, Cakes and Cookies, Christmas Celebrations, Christmas annoucement, Cook like a Celebrity Chef, Know your Flour, Jagruti's page, Dolly Bakes, Laura Loves CakesChristmas Food Fair, Innovative recipes, Siri’s Anniversary Event
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  1. this looks so decadent and looking at the chocolate overflowing- i want to try this so bad right now, did you use regular or low fat yogurt?

    1. Thanks for your comments!!! I used Low fat yogurt!!


  2. Congratulations on your 100th post Sowmya ! Lovely clicks:-) I have never made this cake before. Your recipe makes me want to try it.

  3. Thanks for suggesting this lovely cake Sowmya, its a big hit among my kids, we loved it very much.

    Love your mini springform pans.

  4. cake looks soft and delicious... nice presentation...

  5. Delicious and gooey molten lava cake. Congrats on your 100th post, wishing many more to come.

  6. yummy and tempting cake

  7. Waiting for this recipe since long time. Thanks for this droolworthy post. Awesome cake.

  8. wow!!This is a wonderful cake.Photos say how delicious it was..
    Thanks for sharing with event :Cook like a Celebrity Chef

  9. Tempting and mouth watering cake.. Congrats on your 100th post..:)
    Thanks for linking it to my event..

  10. Congrats on the 100th post. May you achieve more.

    BTW the cake is so so sinful. Lovely presentation too.

  11. Congrats on your 100th post. yummy cake dear

  12. Congrats Sowmya. And the cake looks absolutely inviting. The lava looks so nice. And thanks for choosing the recipe...

  13. lovely recipe and super inviting, :) great presentation too and congrats on your 100'th post

  14. Congrats Sowmya, the cake looks awesome, thanks for choosing this for the Eggless Baking Group, enjoyed baking it..

  15. Lovely presentation loved that fork idea over there :) And love the molten lava cake, looks so perfect dear!! Congrats on your 100th post..Keep rocking!!
    Chicken Curry For Biryani - A post From A Reader

  16. wonderful presentation sowmya!!!! looks absolutely yum!!!!! loved baking it!!!

  17. This lava cake is on my to try list for long time now, your s look perfect, that too eggless, I hv to try it now...thanks for linking it to Spotlight : healthy baking

  18. Lovely recipe Sowmya. The cake looks moist and chocolatey...and Congrats on your 100th post. Jayanthi(

  19. congrats on ur 100th post

    this cake looks so so yummy from here

  20. Congrts for your 100th post dear... I wish you get so many more post... I love this molten lava cake.. it's my fav

  21. You did a great job with them :) congratulations

  22. Congrats Soumya on your 100th post. Lovely yummy cake looks so tempting.

  23. Congrats Sowmya.Looks great.

    Friends Participate in Healthy Food for Healthy Kids – Wraps and Rolls.

  24. Congratulations on u r 100th post.. Pics are amazing.. Drooling here for that cake..

  25. Congrats...:)
    Tempting to taste it...looks superb

  26. Nice, looks yumm :) I suppose it would be even better if we can pour it into small ramekins, bake and serve directly?

  27. Congrats on your 100th post..waiting for many more..cake looks droolworthy.....:P

  28. Hi,
    This cake looks amazing... Want to try over the weekend but have a little doubt...You have mentioned oil in the ingredients list but at what stage is that to be added ?

  29. Hi,
    this cake looks amazing... Want to try over the weekend but have a little doubt.. You have mentioned oil in the ingredients list but at what stage is that to be added?

    1. have added it now!! you add it along with the wet ingredients after creaming the butter and sugar.. thanks


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