
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Muthia–Steamed Snack - Gujarat

Today we travel to the beautiful state of Gujarat.. Gujarat and their cuisine reminds of 2 things always.. One is the dialogue from the movie 3 Idiots - Tum Gujarati log itne cute hote hoi, par tum logoun ka khana itna katarnak kyun hai - dhokla, handvo, kakhra, fafda, thepla.." Meaning – “You people from Gujarat are so sweet, but why does the names of your foods so scary like dhokla, handvo, kakhra, fafda, thepla – sounds so scary while saying them”..Another is the memorable experience Vaishali gave me with all the different varieties I could gobble!!! Still fresh in memories of us eating the chaat, where the guy who was making it for us got hurt as he was posing for us while cooking.. We had to take the shots of him cooking for us.. Another incident was buying the fafda on the other side of the street where we made u turns twice to go near the shop.. The delicious papad paratha she made for us... And so much more!!! Thanks to Vaishali for the sweet memories.. Now coming to today's recipe... It is the very famous Muthia which is a steamed snack.. Imagine you eat a snack and it is very addictive, but no issues as it is guilt free and so healthy... One version of Muthia is actually sinful with deep fried and another is guilt free steamed version.. I have tried my hands on the Gujarati cuisine and loved the Dhokla, Khaman, Methi Thepla.. Looking forward to try some more from this cuisine..

Muthia - IMG_4189


Besan / Kadalai Maavu - 1 cup
Curd - 1 1/2 tea spoons
Grated Carrot - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1 tea spoon
Salt - 1 tea spoon
Oil - 1 table spoon + 2 table spoons
White Sesame Seeds - 1 table spoon + 1 tea spoon
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tea spoon
Lemon Juice - 1 tea spoon
Green Chili - 3
Ginger - 2 inch piece (grated)
Asafetida - A pinch
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tea spoon
Baking Soda - A pinch
Coriander Leaves - for garnish


Mix together besan, carrot, 1 table spoon oil, 1 table spoon sesame seeds, turmeric powder, lemon juice, green chili, ginger and little coriander leaves
Add salt, sugar and curd.
Mix all to make a tight dough
Divide the dough into 2 parts and make each part into a log.
The diameter of the log should be around 2 1/2 inches
Grease a plate and place the muthia in the plate and steam cook them for 18 - 20 minutes.
Make sure not to overcook the muthias as it will make them dry and it may crumble
Remove them from the steamer and allow it to cool to room temperature
Slice the log into 1 inch slices
Heat a pan and add 2 table spoons oil
Add mustard seeds and 1 tea spoon sesame seeds and when they crackle, add the muthia and mix well to ensure that the seasoning is spread evenly
Cook on slow heat until the slices are slightly golden and crispy
Garnish with coriander leaves and serve it hot.

Muthia - IMG_4191

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 39


  1. Healthy finger food na, i can happily finish that plate in now time.. Muthias tempts me a lot.

  2. Soumya , you missed the joke in 3 is not about the name of the food items being scary but the ingredients that can at times give tummy troubles (read gas related). LoL, but good reference point to remember...your muthias looks perfect and love the way you have presented them..

  3. Healthy and delicious snack, neatly presented..

  4. So healthy and delicious looking snack. Must have tasted great as well.

  5. Perfect looking muthias. Even I made this...

  6. You made them with carrots...lovely and very well presented..really healthy pick from Gujarat.

  7. Very nice. You have a lot of fond memories of your BM meet.

  8. I was wondering if my kids will get hooked on to this..Should try it out soon.

  9. Steamed muthia sounds interesting. I made deep fried muthia for my failed undhiyu recipe.

  10. Sounds interesting and inviting,looks so delicious and perfectly made..

  11. Muthia seem to have turned out so well Sowmya..and rofl at pradnya's comment..:)

  12. I made these last month for the BM challenge - yours looks so good

  13. Perfectly made muthiyas.. Looking yumm!!

  14. Looks perfect Sowmya! love your presentation :)

  15. Muthia's look so great & yum.

  16. Yummy muthias. Steamed version is healthier over the fried version.

  17. wow muthias looks fantastic and am drooling here .. can I grab some right away :) lovely presentation dear !!


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