
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Fiber Galore–My Health My Way

Am back with another event after sometime.. This time the focus is again on healthy foods. The theme I have chosen is Fiber rich foods..  The event series My health My way is the brain child of my Kalyani and I am happy to be hosting it.
Fiber is an important part of healthy food. Some of the fiber rich foods are spinach, green vegetables, fruits, whole grain, millets, oats, nuts etc. More details about Fiber rich foods are here

Rules / Guidelines for the event:
1.Event runs from July 16th - August 15th.
2.Cook and blog about a Vegan or Vegetarian dish which is Fiber rich. Eggs are not allowed. Please link the healthy and delicious entries with the help of the linky tool below.
3.Please add this announcement link and Kalyani's Series announcement page. This is compulsory.
4.Adding the logo is not mandatory but helps to spread the word.
5. Please send as many new entries as possible. More the merrier. Please limit the archive entries to 2
6.Non bloggers are also welcome to participate.Send me the following details to
•Your name and name of your blog
•Recipe and URL
•Picture of your dish.(max size is 200 kb)
About the event from Kalyani
1) No refined food is allowed and substitutions are more than welcome : For eg: Wholewheat or wholegrains instead of Maida, Palm sugar or jaggery instead of refined sugar. Olive or even groundnut oils instead of margarine and butter --- u get the drift.
2) Only Vegetarian / Vegan entries are allowed (eggs are not allowed).
3) A small write up on how you make / plan to make healthy changes in your kitchen would be highly appreciated. If you are sending multiple entries, you can truncate this info to a few lines.
4) Special focus can also be provided on usage of millets, wholegrains, vegan substitutes - as this series is not just for kids but a healthy eating lifestyle for the entire family. So diabetic specific cooking, arthritic specific cooking, kidney ailments specific cooking - you can write about all these that you do in your post.
Hope to see many recipes that are fiber rich!!!

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