
Monday, January 5, 2015

Kuthiraivali Milagu Jeera Adai–Barnyard Millet Adai–Millet Recipes

Hope you all have enjoyed my Arisi Adai which is made with Parboiled rice. I saw a similar recipe here using Kuthiraivali (Barnyard Millet) and immediately tried it. I did make a few changes to the original recipe and we loved this adai.. Make sure you have the tawa on medium to medium high or the adai will become hard. You need to enjoy this adai piping hot.. You can serve this as-is. We enjoyed it with Coriander Coconut Chutney (recipe coming soon). The flavor of the pepper, coconut in this adai is amazing.. This recipe will give 6 adais of medium size.
Kuthiraivali / Barnyard Millet - 1 cup
Aval / Poha / Beaten Rice - 1/4 cup
Salt - 1 tea spoon
Coriander Leaves - 1/4 cup (chopped)
Curry Leaves - 10 - 15 (chopped)
Coconut Oil - 1/2 tea spoon per adai (can use other oil also)
Asafetida - 1/8 tea spoon
Cumin Seeds - 1 tea spoon + 1/4 tea spoon
Black Pepper - 1 tea spoon
Coconut - 1/4 cup (grated / thin small pieces)
Soak the millet and aval for 2 hours
Crush the black pepper and 1 tea spoon cumin seeds and set aside
After 2 hours, drain the excess water and grind the millet and aval to a batter (thicker than dosai batter)
You can add water if needed
Add coconut, crushed cumin seeds, cumin seeds and crushed black pepper
Add salt, asafetida, coriander leaves and curry leaves
Mix well and make the batter
Heat a tawa and smear coconut oil
Make sure the tawa is hot and the heat is on medium high.
Pour the batter and spread it to adai.
Add coconut oil around the adai
Flip and cook on both sides until done
Kuthiraivali Milagu Jeera Adai is ready!!
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 48 IMG_8743
Sending this to "Dish it out - new u"


  1. Very healthy and filing too. I like all the additions to the batter. So flavorful.

  2. Such a nutritious adai, love that milagu jeera addition..

  3. a healthy preparation... looks good.

  4. Love these millet dishes of yours. I wish I could get them here.

  5. Healthy adai, good to use millet's and make these healthy.

  6. A very healthy dish...beautifully made!!

  7. You are my go to resource for whole grains. Fabulous job using all the millets in your recipes :)

  8. Wow! Love the millets in the adai!

  9. Such a delicious adai you got there Sowmya!..very healthy..


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