
Monday, August 24, 2015

Semiya Upuma Muffin–Muffin tin recipes

One of the hardest task for a lot of moms these are to make kids eat regular and daily food.. You give them idli, dosa, upuma etc, they are so bored and they want noodles, pasta, muffins etc.. And it is the same in my house.. Now the problem is half resolved with this interesting idea of using muffin tin to make the normal semiya upuma.. It is very interesting to see how kids love these as compared to the regular upuma served on a plate.. Now my mind is bursting with ideas to morph our regular food into something more interesting and yes it is also quite challenging.. Some that come to my mind are cookie cutter shaped dosas or rotis, coin dosa, tart shaped idlis and many varities and shapes of upuma, pongal and khichdi.. So let us go to today's recipe where the idea was born when Valli announced "Make in a muffin tin" for this month's BM and i was looking for ideas online where many choices were there for making in a muffin tin (other than the regular muffins and cupcakes)..




Semiya Upuma - 2 cups
Oil - 2 table spoons
Cheese - 3 table spoons (optional)



Make the semiya upuma and set aside
Grease the 12 muffin tins with each mould getting 1/2 tea spoon of oil
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C

Scoop the semiya upuma into the muffin tin and press the edges to get cute bowls
Add little cheese on top (optional)
Place the muffin tin into the oven and bake it for 15 minutes..
Serve hot with ketchup or chutney or choice..

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM



  1. Semiya upma in a muffin sounds interesting, and inlove all your ideas.

  2. That is such a innovative dish Sowmya -- never imagined semya upma in this form. Perfect one for the theme.

  3. Never thought of upma in a muffin tray....this sounds like a perfect solution for leftover upma!


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