
Monday, December 17, 2012

Apple Cornmeal Bread

A healthy quick bread which has no processed ingredients. It has a very earthy taste from the molasses. This will make 3 mini loafs or a big loaf.. I made 2 mini loafs and 2 jumbo muffins out of this… I got the recipe from here and made few changes.. Very happy to include this for BM - Kids delight – desserts. 
Apple Cornmeal Bread - IMG_3979

Apple – 1
Whole Wheat Flour – 2/3 cup
Molasses – ¼ cup
Buttermilk – 1/3 cup (or 2 table spoons yogurt with remaining water well beaten)
Almonds– ¼ cup + for topping
Salt – 1/8 tea spoon
Baking Powder – 1 ¼ tea spoons
Baking Soda – 1 ¼ tea spoons
Nutmeg Powder – ½ tea spoon
Cinnamon Powder – 1 ½ tea spoons
Corn Meal – ¼ cup
Whole Wheat Pastry Flour / Chapathi Atta – 2 table spoons
Butter – 2 table spoons
Oil – 2 table spoons
Applesauce – ½ cup

Grease two 5 inch mini loaf pans or one 8 inch loaf pan with oil or butter.
Preheat oven to 180 C.
Put slivered almonds in the bottom of pan and then rotate pan to distribute them around the bottom and sides so they’ll stick to the greased pan and set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the flours, cornmeal, baking soda, baking powder, ground cinnamon, salt and crushed almonds with a whisk.
Microwave the butter for 10-20 secs and not more to just soften slightly.
Whisk together butter and sugar until creamy in another mixing bowl. Now, whisk together the remaining wet ingredients – buttermilk, molasses, applesauce and vanilla extract.
Stir the wet mixture into the dry ingredients bowl and fold in chopped apples gently until just combined. Do not over mix. Spoon batter into the pan(s) using a silicon spatula for near zero batter wastage. If using two 5 inch pans, place them at least 2 inches apart for uniform hot air circulation.
Bake until cooked through and a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean, about 30 to 35 minutes for 5 inch pan and 45-50 minutes for 8 inch pan. Do not over bake. My muffins took 25 minutes and my mini loaf took 30 minutes to bake..
Let cool on a wire rack. Loosen the edges with a knife and then invert onto a plate.
Serve warm or at room temperature.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#23

Sending this to my own guest host event Eggless Bakes and Treats, Surabhi's page, Bake fest #14, Healthy Baking, Indrani's page, Foodomania’s Christmas Cook-Off Contest, Edible Gifts, Yashodha's Kitchen, Cookcookandcook and Cook-Eat-Burp, Favorite Recipes, Kids delight, valli's page, Merry Christmas Celebrations, 60 days to Christmas, Priya's page, Celebrate – Christmas, Jagruti’s page, Gayathri WTML hosted by Nithu, Festive Feasts, Siri’s Anniversary Event, Bachelor’s Feast, Grand Festive Feasts, HITS Hosted by Roshini, Hot Beverages and Desserts in 45 Min, Dolly Bakes, Laura Loves Cakes, Cook like a celebrity Chef, Christmas Food Fair, Innovative recipes
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 BAKE 2[1]Giveaway Time horizontal finalUntitled[2]Calendar Cakes Challenge


  1. Healthy and delicious quick bread..

  2. Delicious the apple combo...

  3. Hi sow ya, nice one with all healthy ingredients. As much as I love baba bread, I was getting bored of them ( I made one even yesterday). This is a good alternative

  4. Simply love the colour of the bread, very catchy and can guess the texture of this bread very well toO.

  5. Nice recipe. new to me. bookmarked.. :)

  6. Loved the bread.. it looks really tempting. Thanks for linking

  7. So delicious ...bread looks soft and yum.

  8. healthy yummy looking bread

  9. Sounds interesting dear,looks yummy....

  10. Bread slice looks delicious...Loved the recipe..

  11. Quick recipe and looks super moist..Yummlicious..

  12. Delicious cornmeal brad Sowmya. I love it . Thanks for sharing with Favorite recipes.

  13. so healthy with all of the wholesome ingredients

  14. That's a very healthy and wholesome bread. Love the addition of apples.

  15. Looks so delicious and like that rich brown colour...

  16. Looks so Yum..
    Thankx for linking it into my blog event..
    Hallpy Holidays!

    - Shree


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