
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Carrot Onion Veg

Carrot veg is a simple and tasty dish.. This recipe can be found in many sites, but frankly this is my version and is a super hit in my house now.. Previously we used to not prefer traditional carrot veg much as it will be too sweet. This Carrot veg is spicy and is very tasty to eat. This tastes best when served hot with any sambar or rasam rice. Adjust salt and chili to taste. I am including this for this BM under cooking carrots in many ways
Carrot Onion Veg - IMG_9328
Carrot – 500 grams
Green chili – 4
Salt – 1 tea spoon
Turmeric Powder – ½ tea spoon
Onion – 1 cup (finely chopped)
Curry Leaves – 6
Mustard Seeds – ½ tea spoon
Ulutham Parupu / Urad Dal – 1 tea spoon
Sambar Powder / Rasam Powder – 1 ½ tea spoon
Chili Powder – ¼ tea spoon (optional)
Oil – 2 tea spoons
Water – to boil the carrots

Chop the carrots to small cubes and boil it with salt, turmeric powder and sambar or rasam powder
Keep the boiled carrots aside
Heat a pan and add oil
Once oil is hot, add mustard seeds
After the mustard seeds crackle, add the ulutham parupu
When the ulutham parupu turns golden color, add the green chili and curry leaves and sauté for 30 seconds
Add onions and sauté well
Onions should be well done (add a pinch of salt to cook onions faster)
Once the onions are well done, add the boiled carrots and mix well
Switch off the flame and the carrot onion veg is ready to be served!!!

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#23

Sending this to Only - Side Dishes, SIC#3, Anu's page, Quick and Easy, 60 days to Christmas, Priya's page, Gayathri WTML hosted by Nithu, Innovative recipes, Siri’s Anniversary Event, CWS - Urad Dal, Priya's page,
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  1. Me too make almost the same, adding of sambar/rasam powder is a new twist. Will try next time.

    Lovely dish.

  2. looks yummy and simple too

  3. I can even have this delicious sabzi as a filling in sandwich, delicious.

  4. I don't like to eat carrots in veggies, but this one I will surely the sambar pwd n onion combo.

  5. Love these kind of simple and healthy subzis.

  6. Delicious and easy curry Sowmya.

  7. colorful and inviting stir fry..perfect with rice

  8. Simple curry.Perfect with rasam rice...

  9. Healthy & delicious curry. Looks yumm.

  10. Very comforting everyday food..nothing to beat it..


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