
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

MLLA–My Legume Love Affair - 71

I am so excited to be hosting the MLLA#71. MLLA is My Legume Love Affair and it was originally started by Susan of The Well Seasoned Cook and successfully carried on since 2008, is  now organized and supervised by Lisa of Lisa's Kitchen. It is a monthly event where all of us Food Bloggers from around the world can participate with recipes featuring “legumes”. Here are the rules for the event
1. Event runs from 1st May, 2014 – 31st, May 2014
2. Only Vegetarian dishes are allowed.
3. Only One entry per blog
4. Legumes must be the star ingredient
5. Your post should be linked to this MLLA#71 announcement page, Lisa’s ongoing MLLA event page and Susan’s page. This is Mandatory.
6. Usage of logo is optional, but appreciated as it helps to spread the word
7. Once you have posted the recipe on your blog with the above mentioned links, please send the following details via email to
7.1 Subject – MLLA#71
7.2 Dish name
7.3 Your Name and your blog name
7.4 Your location (needed for prize eligibility purpose)
7.5 Link to your dish on your blog
7.6 Attach a picture (less than 200 kb)
8. Please like me on Facebook
Susan is generously sponsoring a prize and this month it is Lace Beverage Napkins. that she will ship worldwide, at her own expense. If the random winner is a resident of the US, they will win both the Hurst Bean Prize and Susan's offering - otherwise a second draw will take place for the Hurst prize from the pool of US residents
Hurst Beans has agreed to continue as a sponsor meaning US residents have a chance to win a 6-pack assortment of products by the N.K. Hurst Company. For your dish to be included in the roundup, it must contain more than just a few tablespoons of legumes. The slight exception to this are legumes such as fenugreek or tamarind that typically are used in smaller quantities. Fresh or dried beans, lentils, pulses, and the sometimes edible pods that contain these seeds, and derivative products such as tofu or besan, along with tamarind, fenugreek, carob, and peanuts are all acceptable. The possibilities are endless. Just ensure that your shining ingredient is in fact a member of the legume family. All types of cuisines and courses are welcome, so long as the mighty legume is the key ingredient. Recipes from your archives will be accepted if reposted and updated. You may submit your recipe to other events, but please check to see if those hosts have restrictions.
Lisa is looking for guests hosts for 2014. If you are interested, please email her at
So what are you waiting for?? Prepare yummy dishes and send it to my email ASAP and I will post the roundup in the first week of June along with the winners


  1. logo is not visible, can u reload it please.

    1. have re uploaded it.. hope it is correct now..

  2. I am looking forward to making something with legumes this month and hope to share. I do enjoy participating in My Legume Love Affair


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