
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Caramel Mousse - no Egg, no Gelatin

When I made the Caramel sauce, I was so ready to make the mousse with it.. I searched online, but most of them had eggs and gelatin in it.. So went back to my own Mango Mousse recipe and made the caramel mousse.. Very tempting and very tasty.. Serve them in cute mousse glasses and it is sure to please everybody...



White Chocolate Chips - 1 cup
Fresh Cream (Milky Mist) - 1/2 cup
Caramel Sauce - 3 table spoons + for garnish (click here for the home made Caramel Sauce recipe)
Powdered Sugar - 2 table spoons
Honey / Golden Syrup / Corn Syrup - 1 table spoon
Pectin - 1 table spoon
Almonds - A few + some for garnish


Chill the fresh cream and the whipping container for 30 minutes at least
Using double boiler method, melt chocolate along with pectin and honey and allow it to cool to room temperature.
Add the caramel sauce and mix well.
Whip the cream and powdered sugar together until it forms peaks.
Slowly fold the cream into the chocolate mixture. Fold until fully incorporated
Transfer into the serving mousse molds and allow it to set in the fridge for 2 hours
Garnish with more caramel sauce and top it with almonds and serve chilled!!!

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM



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