
Friday, September 25, 2015

Belgium Vegan Waffles

Waffles - Ah I love it!! They are so delicious, so kid friendly and are so popular.. And as with the other foods, when made at home you can make them healthier and there are so many choices... I got this recipe from here and it is surely a keeper.



Whole Wheat Pastry Flour - 1 3/4 cup
Baking Powder - 1 table spoon
Sugar - 2 table spoons
Salt - 1/4 tea spoon
Soy Milk - 1 1/2 cups
Flax Seed Meal - 2 table spoon
Warm Water - 6 table spoons
Apple Puree - 2 table spoons
Canola Oil - 6 table spoons



Sieve together flour, baking powder and salt
Beat together flax seed meal and warm water for a couple of minutes until it reaches gooey consistency
In another bowl, add soy milk, apple puree and canola oil well
Add sugar to the wet ingredients and beat well. Add the flax seed meal and mix well till combined
Heat the waffle maker according to the instructions
Grease it with oil
Mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients and make waffles in the waffle maker
Serve hot!!
Enjoy with maple syrup and fresh fruits. I dusted some powdered sugar on top and served!!

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  1. Waffles came out perfect. One of my favorites too but now a days I am not able to eat too much sweet (syrup) in the mornings. So not eating as much.

  2. I made waffles today. yours have come out great.

  3. beautifully made waffles..its been a while since I made these.

  4. Such a prefect looking waffles, wish i get that alluring waffles rite now to have with some nutella..delicious.

  5. Waffles came out so perfect.Love to eat them now.

  6. I love waffles to sowmya..yours have turned out so good!

  7. Perfectly made waffles. So crispy on the outside and airy on the inside.

  8. They look yummy and perfectly made, Soumya.

  9. Perfect looking waffles and my kids love these.


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