
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to remove seeds from Grapes but retaining the skin

Why go through all the effort of removing the seed when you can filter them.. By doing so, you will also filter the skin and the goodness of the fruit is lost to a big level.. It is very essential to remove the seeds from the grapes before using them in juices, jams, ice creams etc.. It is a time consuming process, but all worth the effort. Now when the seeds are removed and the skin is used, you get the goodness of the skin and also the beautiful color with out adding artificial color.. The addition of skin also gives a better texture, wholeness and more opaque. I made this process for the grape juice and the grapes jam


Wash and clean the grapes well
Remove the stem
Hold the grape between two fingers and take a small knife and slit cut the grapes
Now press the two fingers and the pulp inside will come out
Keep the skin separate and grind the remaining grapes
Now filter this juice and the seed will remain unfiltered on top.

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Put back the skin and grind them
Now add the juice from the skin to the grape juice and blend them again to get the goodness of the skin and the deep rich color

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  1. Wow that's a such a wonderful tip..I have always wanted to make grape jam, this is very useful!

  2. interesting ...will give it a try ..would love to try the grape jam that you made.

  3. very useful.. Just let it ferment and wine is ready ;-) ;-)

  4. Very informative post Sowmya.Now I can also try the jam someday.

  5. That is a great tip to deseed grapes. Will be very helpful when making juices and jams. :)

  6. Very useful post Sowmya. Seeding grapes is quite tedious, bit your pics make it very easy for anyone to try.

  7. Its really a tedious work to deseed grapes, lovely techinic and very helpful for making different dishes with grapes.


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