
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eggless Black Forest Cake - Eggless Cakes

Are you like me who WAS not very comfortable with icing cakes as you feared that it will not look perfect or professionally done.. Then this will be a perfect cake to practice your icing skills and also not be afraid as it will look great and so much professionally done. This was the first cake I did icing and now I tell everybody who is scared about icing to try this cake first as it is very easy. The amount of cherries, cream, sugar is personal choice. You can add more or less.
Chocolate Cake Sheets - 2 cakes
Whipped Cream - 4 - 5 cups
Powdered Sugar - 2 cups
Macerated Cherries (chopped) - as per need
Macerated Cherries (whole) - to decorate on top
Chocolate Slab - for making the chocolate curls / chocolate shavings
Sugar - 3 table spoons
Water - 1/3 cup
Cut the chocolate cake into 2 sheets horizontally. So now you will have 4 cake sheets
Mix together sugar and water well. Heat this mixture for about 2 minutes until the sugar is dissolved. Set aside to cool completely.
Using a grater, grate the chocolate slab to get the chocolate curls or chocolate shavings. Preferably use the big so that it looks like curls and not powder
Whip together cream and powdered sugar until it reaches still peaks
Take about 1/3 of the cream and refrigerate
Now comes the fun part of arranging and decorating. It took me 28 minutes from here to finish the cake the very first time.
Have a jug full of warm water (on the hotter side), kitchen towel, icing spatula, chopped cherries, sugar water ready
Use a spoon of the cream on the cake stand or the cake plate. This acts as a glue.
Place one of the cake sheets on the cake stand
Using a brush or a sprayer, brush or spray the sugar water over the cake lightly enough to coat it completely, but do not overdo it.
Put a big dollop of the cream and spread it evenly with the icing spatula
Spread the chopped cherries as per preference
Place the second cake sheet over this and repeat the above 3 steps of sugar water, cream and cherries
Now place the third sheet over the second one and repeat the above 3 steps of sugar water, cream and cherries
Now place the fourth sheet on top (preferably the cut side should face down and the smooth  side should face the top)
Place a dollop of the cream and spread it as evenly as possible. Again you need not be perfect here..
If you have cream left (if not use the 1/3 cream from the fridge), put it to a piping bag and pipe the cream as rounds. Here I have done 20 rounds on top. You can do depending on your preference and the size is also a personal choice. It would be good if you can it evenly placed
In each round, place one whole cherry
Decorate the sides of the cake with chocolate shavings and also finish it with the icing like waves
Also decorate the top with chocolate shavings.
Now the cake is ready and perfectly decorated.
Have fun at the celebration.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM
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  1. OMG Sowmya, that is one amazing looking cake. It looks like it came from a bakery -- perfectly done :-)

  2. Looks so stunning and so neatly done Sowmya!..

  3. Looks awesome Sowmya! Very well done :)

  4. All I could say is wowwwww...Superb and loved the deco. Looks perfect. Would love to grab a piece

  5. Very well done Sowmya . The looks perfect and so tempting.

  6. Just wowwwing here, wat a cake Sowmya..

  7. That looks very artistic. Good job Soumya.

  8. Awesome cake Sowmya. I love Black forest cake so I always order it at my home, on anyone's birthday.


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