
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Spaghetti and Veg Balls w Garlic Bread / Spaghetti w Meatless Balls

Today we are travelling to Italy by food for its very famous combo - Spaghetti and Meatless Meat Balls or Spaghetti and Veg Balls.. This marathon although was planned months ahead, I could not do much cooking or clicking as I had a baby recently and was on rest from house work and from cooking... Now that I am in to cooking, I am not yet doing it full fledged… This is one recipe which is a last minute preparation that was done just day before yesterday... As I write this post, I still have 2 more combos that I need to do for the next 2 days.. Yes it is a mess I know.. Hope I make it.. Coming to today's recipe, it was a big hit in our house and all of us enjoyed thoroughly... I made the very famous Spaghetti with Meatballs (without meatSmile), So it is Spaghetti with veg balls and and served it with Garlic Bread… Here is the recipe to Garlic Bread




For the Spaghetti

Spaghetti - 500 grams
Water - to cook the pasta
Salt - 1 1/2 tea spoons

For the Veg Balls

Potato - 5 (medium small)
Carrot - 4 (medium)
Peas - 1 cup
Sooji / Ravai - 1/4 cup
Salt - 1 tea spoon
Cumin Powder - 1/2 tea spoon
Dry Mango Powder / Amchur Powder (or lemon juice) - 1/2 tea spoon
Oil - to fry

For the Sauce

Tomatoes - 10
Tomato Paste - 2 table spoons
Garlic - 2 table spoons (minced)
Red Chili Powder - 1 table spoon (optional)
Sugar - 1 table spoon
Salt - 1 tea spoon
Cream - 1/2 cup
Olive Oil - 2 table spoons
Onion - 1 (chopped fine)
Italian Seasoning - 1 tea spoon


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So the order I did was - made the sauce, then the veg balls, parallel made the garlic bread and did the pasta cooking at last and assembled all together.. Also I kept the veg balls in a preheated (switched off) oven to maintain its hot temperature until serving.

For the Sauce

Chop the tomatoes into small chunks
Heat oil in a pan and add garlic and sauté for 10 seconds
Add the onions and salt and cook until the onions are tender
Add the tomato paste and sauté for a minute
Add the tomatoes, red chili powder and sugar and mix well
Allow it to cool for 3 to 4 minutes until a lot of moisture is absorbed
Reduce the heat and add the cream and remove from heat
Add fresh basil or Italian Seasoning.
The sauce is now ready. Keep this covered to capture all the aroma and flavor inside


For the Veg Balls

Peel the potatoes and carrots
Steam cook the potatoes, carrots and peas for 10 minutes
When little warm, mash the veggies well along with the cumin powder, salt, amchur powder
Add 2 table spoons of ravai. If there is more moisture then add accordingly
Heat oil in a kadai
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees F for 10 minutes and switch it off
Make small balls of the mixture and deep fry in medium hot until golden on all sides
Remove to a tray and place the tray in the preheated (and switched off) oven until ready to serve

For the Pasta and assembly

Cook the pasta with salt in enough water as per the package instructions
Drain the water once done
Arrange the cooked pasta on the serving plate, top it with the veg balls and pour the sauce (re heat if necessary)
Garnish with grated cheese and serve hot with garlic bread!!!

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56.


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  1. That's one awesome platter you got there Sowmya..very nicely done!

  2. Veg balls are tempting and an inviting platter.

  3. This is one combo that was on my mind, I too wanted to make those vegetable balls...some how I was not able to do ..but your pics are so inviting, so vibrant that I will not miss this and soon try it.

  4. wow what a perfect combo my all time favorite looks so tempting...

  5. Everything looks so delicious.Very well made..

  6. That is a classic combo, Sowmya. very well presented.

  7. wonderful combo especially for kids

  8. Droolworthy combo, that garlic bread is just torturing me..Irresistible spaghetti as well.

  9. Yummmmy treat ...esp d garlic bread .. This is a must try combo

  10. I have another version of the mealtless meatballs.Will post it for another BM. YOurs looks so good Sowmya...

  11. Famous combo in this series..Loved it

  12. I have pack of spaghetti lying in my pantry. After seeing two posts of this yum combo, I really need to try. Yours looks absolutely inviting..

  13. What a tempting plate of food Sowmya. Veg meatball recipe is very interesting -- will have to try it some time.

  14. Love your vegetarian take on the dish. It sounds delicious.

  15. Love the whole platter and dish so inviting..

  16. wow give me a fork - I wont mind digging into this plate!


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